
Easily Achieve Number Formatting and Currency Display with JavaScript Native Intl.NumberFormat

In front-end development, number formatting and currency display are very common requirements. Previously, we usually needed to rely on third-party libraries or write our own code to format currency. Now, JavaScript provides the native Intl.NumberFormat object, making number formatting and currency display more convenient.

Intl.NumberFormat is part of the ECMAScript Internationalization API. It provides number formatting functionality that can convert numbers into formats that conform to local regional conventions based on the specified language environment and options.

Here are some parameters for using Intl.NumberFormat:

  1. locales: Specifies the language environment, which can be a string or an array of strings. For example, 'zh-TW' represents Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), and 'ja-JP' represents Japanese (Japan).
  2. options: An options object used to customize number formatting. Commonly used options include:
    • style: Specifies the formatting style, which can be 'decimal' (default value, plain number), 'currency' (currency), or 'unit' (unit).
    • currency: Specifies the currency code, such as 'TWD' for New Taiwan Dollar or 'JPY' for Japanese Yen.
    • unit: Specifies the unit, such as 'gram', 'kilogram', 'kilometer-per-hour', etc.
    • minimumFractionDigits: Specifies the minimum number of fraction digits. For example, when set to 0, the decimal part will not be displayed.

When we create an instance of Intl.NumberFormat, we can pass in the locales and options parameters to configure the behavior of number formatting. Then, by calling the format method and passing in the number to be formatted, we can obtain the formatted string result.

//example 01
new Intl.NumberFormat('ja-JP', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'TWD',
minimumFractionDigits: 0
// NT$123,457
// example 02
new Intl. NumberFormat('pt-PT', {
style: 'unit',
unit: 'kilometer-per-hour'
// 50 km/h